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2022 NZ Men’s Interprovincial Wrap

13 December 2022

menintersgolf061222 054 The 2022 Men’s NZ Interprovincial tournament took place last week with the event coinciding with the Women’s Interprovincial for the first time. The two venues used throughout the week were Omanu Golf Club in Mount Manganui and Tauranga Golf Club, both courses in decent condition with the men playing all but one day at Omanu. The men’s team featured several familiar faces with a couple of new additions to the event too. NZ representative Kazuma Kobori led the team at number 1 with in form Dominic Brettkelly, who was the team's reserve last year being selected at number 2. Experienced Reid...

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Weedons Retain Woodward Cup Status

5 December 2022

The Woodward Cup Promotion / Relegation match between the highest placed Blank Cup club without a team in Woodward Cup and the team that finished last in Woodward Cup this year faced-off at Christchurch Golf Club yesterday. In very warm conditions and the course in great order the stakes were high for the winner, with Waimairi Beach and Weedons again competing for the opportunity to play in the 2023 Woodward Cup Interclub competition in a repeat of last year's Promotion / Relegation match.It was always going to be a tight match and so it played out with the a 4-4...

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Canterbury Women's Christmas Tournament

5 December 2022

Womens Christmas Tournament 2022 G1 Winner LR Cropped The Annual Canterbury Women's Christmas Tournament was played at Weedons Country Club on Friday, initially in light drizzle for the first nine, then cloudy and cool afterwards with the course in great condition. The Heather Harvey Salver for Best Silver Gross was won by Margaret Langan (right), Weedons with 82. The CDLGA Salver for Best Bronze Gross was won by Paulette Jager (left), Ellesmere with 96.Grade 1 Best Net was won by Liz Reed, Tai Tapu with 73 and Grade 2 Best Net was won by Anne Siave, Tai Tapu with 75. Age Group Gross Trophies:50-59 ... Lyn Robertson, Amberley 86 (L V...

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2022 NZ Interprovincial | Canterbury Team Announcements

30 November 2022

IMG 3 The following players have been selected to represent Canterbury at the 2022 New Zealand Men’s and Women's Interprovincial to be played 6 December – 10 December at the Omanu & Tauranga Golf Club’s. Teams are named in playing order. Canterbury Men’s Team Kazuma Kobori (Rangiora)Dominic Brettkelly (Clearwater)Reid Hilton (Russley) – CaptainSam McGill (Clearwater)Andrew Green (Bottle Lake)Yuki Miya (Russley) – ReserveMichael Taylor – ManagerKerry Chuck – Assistant Manager Additional traveling development player: Cooper Moore Flexi Lease Canterbury Women’s Team Alisia Ren (Russley)Catherine Bell (Christchurch)Rachel Eder (Clearwater)Olive Tapu (Christchurch)Nicola Webb (Christchurch)Mel Newburn (Coringa) - ReserveDebbie Scott – ManagerJulie Jones – Assistant Manager Congratulations to all those players selected and...

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Women's Ringers Tournament

29 November 2022

Womens Ringers Champions 2022 Tai Tapu LR2 The Women's Ringers Tournament was played at Waimakariri Gorge yesterday in fine, sunny weather and the course in great condition, considering the heavy rain that fell the previous day.With the scoring very close it was Tai Tapu's Jill Gimblett and Liz Reed who won the 18 Hole competition while Waitikiri's Melanie Sanders took out the 9 Hole competition. 18 Hole Ringers1st - Liz Reed & Jill Gimblett (Tai Tapu), 74 Pts2nd - Heather McKimmie & Tracey Houston (Ellesmere), 73 Pts3rd - Erin Hensley & Yumi Masuri (Bottle Lake), 72 Pts 9 Hole Ringers1st - Melanie Sanders (Waitikiri), 17 Pts2nd - Fran Price...

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Christchurch Go Back-to-Back in Pollock Cup

28 November 2022

Pollock Cup Champions 2022 Christchurch LR In testing surroundings at Russley Golf Club yesterday, players braved wet weather and challenging underfoot conditions, but depite this played some excellent golf resulting in some very close matches. It was last year's Champions Christchurch who made it back-to-back Pollock Cup victories defeating Waitikiri 4-2. At the top of the order Olive Tapu beat Kim Moggach 3/2, Catherine Bell beat Naomi Wallace 3/2, Melissa Newburn lost to Ginny Bolderston 3/2, Nicky Webb beat Chris Marple 7/6, Mel Brew beat Nicky Muir 2/1 and Jennifer Cho lost to Jenny Ahn 3/1.Christchurch's Champion Pollock Cup squad, from left are Hellen Kroeger, Robyn Gillespie,...

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Canterbury Junior Open | Cancelled

27 November 2022

rangiora rain RS Unfortunately with the rain overnight and this morning, today’s Canterbury Junior Open event at Rangiora Golf Club has been cancelled.

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MTF Finance Carlton Corner Junior Foursomes Interclub

22 November 2022

Junior Foursomes 18 Hole 2022 Winners Hororata.Weedons R up Russley Blue LR The final round of the MTF Finance Carlton Corner Junior Interclub Foursomes was played on Sunday at Russley Golf Course with Russley Blue in the 18 hole event leading into the final round by 6 points and home course advantage over the combined team of Hororata/ Weedons. A large margin separated the top two teams from the rest of the field and for the spectators the quirk of the draw had these two playing together. Through 9 holes the combined team had pulled the deficit back to an even standing and continued on to take the trophy by 4 points.18 holers...

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Templeton Repeat Woodward Cup Title

21 November 2022

Templeton Champions2 small cropped Templeton repeated their historic feat from last year by defending the Woodward Cup in a nail-biting final against a gallant Clearwater that went down to the last putt. The match came down to the battle of the No. 1's Daniel Laughton (Templeton) and Dominic Brettkelly (Clearwater). As the pair played the 17th hole Templeton led 4-3 and needed a half point from the remaining game to retain the title. However at this stage Brettkelly was 1up and then Laughton won the 17th hole. Tied down the 18th both played two good shots to just in front of the green on...

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Weedons Win Canterbury Central Masters Final

21 November 2022

Canty Central Masters Winners 2022 Weedons Black LR The Canterbury Central Masters Final was played at Ellesmere Golf Club yesterday in fine conditions and the course in great order considering the amount of rain that fell in the preceeding 48 hours.The Weedons Black team from left front Steve McDonald, Richard Houghton, Dave Stubbs and back row Mike Prendergast, Paul Bulman and Paul Mitchell proved too strong for Greendale's Steve Lloyd, Duncan McKay, Raymond Williams, Limio Nagayama, Steve Roulston and John Bowden winning 6.5-2.5 (4.5-1.5 in the singles and 2-1 in the 4BBB)  

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