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Woodward & Pollock Cup Review - 24 August

24 August 2020

Canterbury's premier interclub competitons, the Woodward and Pollock Cups, are well underway with last weekend's play seeing round three being completed for the Woodward Cup at Russley Golf Club, and round two for the Pollock Cup being completed at Pegasus Golf Club. Woodward Cup The host club had started their campaign with wins over Pegasus and Weedons, and did not disappoint in round three with a comprehensive 6.5-1.5 win over Waitikiri. Reid Hilton, Hiroki Miya, Ben Baker, Michael McAuley, Owen Burgess, and Andrew Dufton all had wins, while Regan Kilpatrick halved with Woo Bong Kim. Canterbury Masters rep Brett Turner was the...

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2020 Canterbury Golf Annual Awards Dinner Cancelled

15 August 2020

It is with regret that we advise the cancellation of the 2020 Canterbury Golf Annual Awards Dinner scheduled for Friday 21 August at Christchurch Golf Club. This is due to the continuation of Level 2 and the restrictions around mass gatherings and social distancing. All ticket payments made will be refunded. We will look at alternative options to announce the awards and launch Friends of Canterbury Golf.

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COVID-19: Interclub this weekend

12 August 2020

Under Alert Level 2 (or better) all Canterbury interclub competitions scheduled for this weekend will go ahead. There are no competitions that will exceed the 100 mass gathering restriction. Should the government move Canterbury to Alert Level 3 then interclub will be cancelled.  

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2020 Pollock Cup Review

10 August 2020

The 2020 Pollock Cup competition starts this Sunday at Harewood Golf Club with six teams competing; Christchurch, Harewood, Pegasus, Russley, Waitikiri and great to see Clearwater returning after a two-year hiatus. Pegasus and Clearwater meet in the first game of the round and all eyes will be on the top of the order clash between Pegasus’ import Momoka Kobori (Rangiora) and Clearwater’s Amelia Garvey, both back from University in America. The Pegasus squad has a similar look to last year with addition of Momoka and Deanna Matthews, together with Amy Weng, Yoyo Fu, Karen de Latour, Bobbi Oliver, Sharon Stewart and...

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Canterbury Golf Annual Awards Dinner

10 August 2020

The postponed 2020 Canterbury Golf Annual Awards Dinner is being held at the Christchurch Golf Club on Friday 21 August. Normally held in early June, the celebration of golf in Canterbury was postponed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Another stellar evening is planned and will be led once again by MC extraordinaire Phil McGoldrick. We will be celebrating the success of both players and volunteers throughout the evening as well. The evening will also include a feature interview with some of the players that have currently returned from their golf scholarships in America due to the pandemic.  We will also be presenting...

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2020 Woodward Cup Review

3 August 2020

The 2020 Woodward Cup competition starts this Sunday at Pegasus and indications from Team Managers are that their teams are all well prepared and raring to go, with a number of teams already having played several warm-up matches over the past few weeks in readiness for the match play format. For many it’s been some time since they have enjoyed competitive golf, so it’s shaping up to be a great season with particular interest around the return of a number of top flite younger players still in Canterbury, pending their possible return to University golf in the United States.   Hosts Pegasus...

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Toby Richards Trophy & Cresswell Cup

3 August 2020

Cresswell Cup Winners 2020 Rangiora Red LR The Toby Richards Trophy and Cresswell Cup matches were played at Pegasus Golf Club on Sunday in mild, calm conditions and the course in great order. The Cresswell Cup match was between Bottle Lake (Winner of Metropolitan A) and Rangiora Red (Winner of Templeton Cup) with the Rangiora Red team of, from left Ross Campbell, Grant Hoben, Dave Millar, Stretch Renai, Kevin Jones, Nigel Seaton, Cliff Bishop and Murray Goodwin defeating Bottle Lake 5.5-2.5 at the end of some very close matches, with five of the eight matches being decided on the 17th and 18th holes.   The Toby Richards Trophy between Bottle...

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Canterbury Golf July Newsletter

31 July 2020

Web Preview6 Click here to view the Canterbury Golf Newsletter for July.   You can also sign up to receive this newsletter directly by email by registering your details on the homepage of

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Kaikoura & Templeton Cup Finals Day

27 July 2020

Kaikoura Cup Winner 2020 LR The Finals of Kaikoura and Templeton Cups were played at Amberley Golf Club yesterday in cool, fine conditions with the course in great order. The Kaikoura Cup Final was between last year's champions Amuri and Amberley. Amberley defeated Amuri 4-2.The Amberley team are pictured above, from left Brandon Parker, Dean Williams, Andrew Green, Ron MacPhail, Jed Robertson and Tala Natapu. In the Templeton Cup Final Amberley was also represented by Amberley Gold, however Rangiora Red spoilt the party defeating Amberley in a tight match 3.5-2.5. Rangiora Red's team are pictured above, from left Grant Hoben, Murray Goodwin, Stretch Renai, Kevin Jones, Nigel...

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Golf in NZ thriving despite Covid-19 pandemic

24 July 2020

Courtesy of NZ Golf: Golf in New Zealand continues to thrive despite the recent Covid-19 pandemic, with statistics showing an increase in membership throughout the country from this time last year. New Zealand Golf has seen a 4.1% increase in golf club memberships across the country since the end of June 2019, with a recent spike from April to May as the country came out of isolation. June 2020 has also seen a significant increase in rounds played compared to June 2019 despite an additional weekend in the month of June last year. An 11.1% increase in rounds played this year outlines golf’s...

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