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Peggy Garnett Passes Away

16 July 2020

peggy garnett Peggy Garnett passed away recently. She was Treasurer of the Canterbury Women's Golf Association for 25 years prior to the amalgamation, and a long time member of Russley Golf Club. A private funeral is being held in her honour.

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McLeans Island - Presidents Grade Champions

13 July 2020

Presidents Grade Champions 2020 McLeans Island LR The final round of Men’s Presidents Grade interclub was completed on Sunday 5 July two months later than originally scheduled due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. It was always going to be a close finish with very little between the top five or six teams, and so it proved with McLeans Island pipping Russley on the post. In the final round McLeans Island won a close match with Christchurch 4.5-3.5 at Christchurch while Russley and Clearwater couldn’t be separated playing at Clearwater finishing 4-4. These results left both Russley and McLeans Island on top of the table with 16 points, however McLeans Island’s...

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Weedons Dominant in Canterbury Central Interclub

9 July 2020

Brownie Cup Winners 2020 Weedons Black LR The Canterbury Central Interclub Finals Day was held at Ellesmere Golf Club on Sunday 28 June in cool, calm conditions with the course in great order. It was the first occasion officials and players could recall all three competitions culminating on the same course. Weedons had another stellar season backing up their success from 2019, again winning the Central Shield, Brownie Cup and Patterson Cup. Patterson Cup Winners - Weedons Black, from left Richard Houghton, Lindsay Peters, Stephen MacDonald, John Callaghan, Martin Bogue and Michael Prendergast.   Brownie Cup Winners - Weedons Black, from left Dave Anderson, Keith Mills, Shane Lacey, Shane Chatterton, Nicholas Tait...

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Canterbury North Defeat Marlborough

8 July 2020

The annual Canterbury North vs Marlborough Representative fixture was played at Kaikoura Golf Club on Sunday in fine, warm conditions and the course in great order. The overall result saw Canterbury North defeat Marlborough 16 – 11. Canterbury North Seniors beat Marlborough 11.5 – 3.5 (Singles 7 – 3, Foursomes 4.5 – .5) Canterbury North Intermediates lost to Marlborough 7.5 – 4.5 (Lost Singles 6 – 2, Won Foursomes 2.5 – 1.5)  

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Junior Event Attracts Big Numbers

7 July 2020

Etienne Collier The Canterbury Futures Junior Open event attracted one of the largest fields in the past ten years with 64 players enjoying the event played at Waimairi Beach Golf Club. With both 9 hole and 18 holes there was something for everyone. "It's was great to see a range of players aging from 5 to 18 playing in the event at Waimairi Beach with some new faces participating in the Canterbury Golf events for the first time," said Rachel Thow Canterbury Golf Development Manager. "It shows that there are a number of clubs, along with the Futures Canterbury hubs, doing some great...

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Applications Sought for Canterbury Manager

3 July 2020

CG Figure2 Canterbury Golf is now seeking expressions of interest for Manager position(s) with Canterbury Representative Team.  This is a rewarding role that contributes to the ongoing success of Canterbury Golf. The purpose of this position is to assist players to ensure they are supported and managed to perform at their best while representing Canterbury.  Application close on Friday 17 July 2020. Click here to view the Canterbury Women's Manager Advert Click here to view the Canterbury Men's Manager Advert

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Canterbury Golf June Newsletter

3 July 2020

Web Preview5 Click here to view the Canterbury Golf Newsletter for June.   You can also sign up to receive this newsletter directly by email by registering your details on the homepage of

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Bottle Lake Make it a Metro A & B Double

29 June 2020

Metro B Winners 2020 Bottle Lake LR The Finals of both Metro A & Metro B were played at Waitikiri Golf Club yesterday in cool, drizzly weather and the course in very good condition considering the recent weather. It was a huge day for Bottle Lake with both their Metro A & B teams winning their respective Finals. Bottle Lake also achieved this feat in 2013/14. In the Metro A Final Bottle Lake's team of, from left Rob Mauheni, Jeremy Goodman, Trevor Hope, Wayne Newsome, Simon Carey, Ian Chaney, Shayne Dwyer, Lyall Grant and Kevin Williams defeated Russley 4.5 - 3.5. In the Metro B Final, Bottle Lake and top...

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NZ Golf Name 2020 National Academy

24 June 2020

190324NZStrokeplay 108 Cropped New Zealand Golf’s 2020 National Academy has now been named with a number of emerging talented players gaining selection for the first time. The incumbent members who have been re-selected include Daniel Hillier (Professional) in Phase Four, Kazuma Kobori, Carmen Lim, and Vivian Lu in Phase Three. The newly selected Phase Three members are Tyler Wood, Jared Edwards, Sam Jones, Mako Thompson, James Hydes, Fiona Xu, and Darae Chung. There are four phases within New Zealand Golf’s Talent Development Programme with two distinct tiers within Phase Three, the National Academy. Tier Two is for players who have shown great potential but may still have...

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Sizzling Scoring at Canterbury 4BBB Championship

22 June 2020

Golf Warehouse Preview The temperature was not but the scoring was hot at the 2020 Golf Warehouse Canterbury 4BBB Championship held yesterday at Waimairi Beach Golf Club. The best field ever seen at the tournament did not disappoint and it was a testament to the quality of the course preparation that players were able to prosper in the calm but cool conditions. Greenkeeper Andrew Grimes and his team set some challenging pins to try and mitigate the length of course but because the greens were running pure, the top players were still able to make many putts of length on the undulating greens. Although a...

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