The final round of Canterbury Men's Over 50's and 60's Interclub was played at Christchurch Golf Club on Sunday in fine conditions and the course in great order.
Winners for the 2020/21 season are as follows:
Over 50's Team Gross (Pirie Cup) - Christchurch (Pictured right, Peter McDougall, Grant McEwan, Charles Whitwham and Jason Sincock)
Over 50's Individual Gross (George Turner Trophy) - Jason Sincock (Christchurch)
Over 50's Individual Net (Golf Ball Trophy) - Scott Burgess (Hanmer Springs, Pictured below)
Over 50's Team Net (Chamberlain Cup) - Coringa
Over 60's Team Gross Cup - Amberley (Pictured left, Gwyn Williams, Gavin Burrows and Tala Natapu)
Over 60's Team Net Cup - Amberley
Over 60's Individual Net (A M Pemberton Salver) - Peter Nicholl (Pegasus)