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Canterbury Runners Up at NZ Freyberg

Posted by: on 8 November 2019

The Canterbury Men's Masters team performed at a consistently high level throughout the week, at the NZ Freyberg played at the Timaru Golf Club, to finish unbeaten and win the runners up plate.

The week involves eight round robin matches, which provides both physical and mental challenges playing against the top teams from throughout New Zealand.

Bay of Plenty won the Freyberg Masters title after winning all eight matches. While Canterbury were also unbeaten they had two halves against Auckland and Aorangi. Canterbury finished tied on seven games with Wellington but finished second based on a countback of games won. Canterbury didn't face Bay of Plenty in their draw during the week.

"The big standout for me was the teamwork for the week" said Canterbury's Captain Andrew Dufton, "everybody played their part and contributed equally to a great team effort. To go through the week unbeaten against the quality of opposition that we played was outstanding and we were unlucky not to get the gold, but still very proud of our silver medal".

Six players finished the tournament unbeaten which included two Canterbury players Aaron Forsyth and Jason Sincock.

Pictured are Canterbury (runners up), Bay or Plenty (winners) and Wellington (3rd place).

Click here to view the final leaderboard.

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