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IFM Friends of Canterbury Golf Members Tournament

Posted by: on 2 May 2021

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There was a strong turnout for the first Friends of Canterbury Golf Members Tournament held at Waimakariri Gorge Golf Club last Friday. Members were asked to bring two friends to play as a team in a three person ambrose format.

The tournament would not have been possible without the generous support of Karen and Mike and their team at IFM Ltd, and the fantastic cooperation from the Waimak Gorge Golf Club.

The day started in a mild nor-wester but mid afternoon changed to a cool southerly. The field managed to get in before any major rain hit and enjoyed some hot savouries and a beverage.

Despite the conditions there was some hot scoring and the top five teams were separated by less than a shot.

The winners on 61.3 were John Allan and his team of Graeme Tallott and John Collins (pictured below).

John Allan Team smallThey were closely followed by:

  • 61.5 Mike Godinet Team and the DVS boys
  • 61.7 Steve Kilpatrick Team with John and Greg
  • 61.9 IFM Team with Mike, Mike, and Greg
  • 62 Mike Rondel Team with Pip and Brian

Founding member Todd Heller spoke about the idea behind Friends of Canterbury Golf and the opportunity for people to become involved by making a small contribution to the development of junior golf in Canterbury. New members can register by clicking here

A great day of fun and networking was had by all and we look forward to the next tournament in the Spring. 


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