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Grant Lewis Farewells Canterbury Golf

Posted by: on 16 December 2022

GL Farewell pic 13 Dec 22 cropped2After 13 years at the helm of Canterbury Golf, General Manager Grant Lewis is moving on to a role with Golf New Zealand as National Sector Support Manager. He will still be based in Christchurch but will support clubs, districts, and national relationships across New Zealand. 

At a farewell function held at the Canterbury Golf offices on 13 December he was thanked by President Mike Rondel and former President and current Executive Committee Member Peter MacDonald in front of a supportive audience of staff, Canterbury Golf volunteer leaders, and sponsors. He was presented with a carved maori statue suitably engraved to commemorate his service, and a copy of the Sir Bob Charles book personally signed and messaged by the golfing Knight himself. 

In reply Grant spoke of memories from his tenure, and the wonderful people that supported him along the way. He also spoke of his love of the golf industry and people involved, and the desire to continue to serve and contribute, albeit at a national level. 

His legacy will be that of leaving Canterbury Golf financially better off whilst at the same time improving the services and programmes provided for Canterbury to be regarded as the best district golf body in New Zealand. Putting good people, both staff and volunteers, in the right places at the right time was a hallmark of his contribution and has led to the success of Canterbury Golf. 

He starts with Golf New Zealand on 9 January 2023, but will still be a regular feature in the Canterbury golfing community. 

As a temporary measure, Mike Godinet has been appointed as Interim General Manager while the Executive Committee continue to evaluate the merits of an operational partnership with Golf New Zealand. Mike can be contacted on

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