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Rob Nicholl - Canterbury Golf Volunteer of the Year

Posted by: on 18 October 2021

rob nicholl Volunteer OTY

Rob Nicholl was the toast of Charteris Bay on Saturday afternoon when he was awarded The Elmwood Trading Co. Canterbury Golf Volunteer of the Year in front of a packed clubhouse.

Rob was rewarded and recognised for an incredible contribution to the club in the last year - over 570 hours of volunteer labour. This included:

  • 375 hours spent maintaining and servicing machinery.
  • 140 hours spent on a project to expand their workshop inlcuding helping raise funds and building the extension.
  • 50 hours spent on installing a new bridge between the 18th and 1st holes.
  • attendance at the club's quarterly course maintenance working bees.

After a welcome from Club President Allister Cotter, Committee Member and Nominator Brian Boyes introduced Rob and thanked all volunteers in the club for their contributions. Lamb & Hayward CEO Steve Parkyn, also a club sponsor, was on hand to present Rob with the trophy, plaque, and prize voucher as Canterbury Golf GM Grant Lewis read the citation.

Rob was clearly moved by the occasion, especially when his wife Sue was presented with a bouquet of flowers to recognise her support for Rob. He thanked the club and said he was lucky to have some skills that could help the club.

A great day was had by all with the Charteris Bay golf course in great nick, and to top it off, Rob's team placed second in the bamboozle, and he and partner Grant Lewis beat Allister Cotter and Steve Parkyn on the 18th in the haggle!    

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